disciple: dis·ci·ple | \ di-ˈsī-pəl noun. "fully devoted follower of Christ"
At Pine Ridge Bible Church, our vision is to glorify God by proclaiming the
Gospel, equipping believers to live out their faith with boldness and grace, and
sending out disciples to their spheres of influence. Rooted in the truth of
Scripture, we aim to be a community that reflects Christ’s love, empowers
every member to grow in spiritual maturity, and fulfills the Great Commission
by reaching the lost, serving the needy, and advancing God’s Kingdom locally
and globally through the power of the Holy Spirit.
As people become disciples they mature and develop. We have identified how that process looks at Pine Ridge so that people can see where they are at in the growth process and know what their next step is to becoming a mature disciple.
Here is how we break down the discipleship process . . .
1. Worshipping — this follower is participating in our large Sunday worship gathering (Hebrews 10:25)
2. Connecting — this follower is connecting with Christ and other followers (John 15:5)
3. Serving — this follower is serving Christ with his/her own divine design (Ephesians 4:11-12)
4. Leading — this follower is making and leading other disciples (2 Timothy 2:2)